With school holidays coming up and Christmas wishes to fill why not turn handwriting, sentence formulation, and vocabulary building into a fun activity writing a letter to Santa!
Here are some ideas of what to include:
- Name. Great for emerging writers to practise their name writing! and then they can tell you what to write in the rest of the letter if they are not yet proficient in their handwriting.
- Address. A good opportunity to talk about where you live, and you might even chat about safety around sharing your address.
- All the good deeds done this year!
- Describe, describe, describe! Describing the item presents a great opportunity to talk about the size, colour, shape, texture, parts, category, taste, where you find it, function. So many vocabulary building opportunities! Be sure to provide accurate descriptions so Santa knows exactly what to deliver.
Once finished address the letter to:
North Pole, 9999
Don’t forget to have your child write their return address on the back, and place a stamp on the envelope!